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Friday, November 09, 2007

So the new episode of The Office was amazing...

quite possibly one of my favorites to date. I loved Michael's decision to pretend he is Survivorman for a few days, take off work, leaving Jim in charge. Another memorable bit was when Jim was talking about how Michael celebrates birthdays by surprise every time. Of course, Michael makes a fool of himself in front of the camera the entire time in the wilderness while Dwight stalks his every move unbeknown to him. I also like how they brought a totally different aspect to the actors' styles by making Jim's decisions unpopular to the majority of the office. Then, at the end, Jim and Michael have almost a mentor-apprentice style conversation that alludes to Michael not being as big of an idiot as we all think.

1 comment:

Brian Estabrook said...

Yeah, it was a really good episode..

Also, this week's '30 Rock' was probably the best one yet.. I rarely laugh uncontrollably when watching television.. this was one of those rare times.