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Friday, February 20, 2009

Suggestion for reading my 25 things.

They are most humorous when narrated out loud. Most importantly the really weird, cockamamy ones.

My 25 things. That have nothing to do with Owen Heisey's 25 things.

1. This is the first note I've ever posted. Is this new to Facebook?

2. I completed this note on Tuesday afternoon/early evening.

3. I have been in Nashville, Tennessee for the last 6 months studying Music Business at Belmont Univeristy. I studied Macroeconomics, Music Publishing, Recording Technology, and Business Law. It was.. great.

4. I am signing up for pan flute lessons this summer.

5. I have never and do not plan to bungee jump.

6. Owen Heisey is going to start a television show that will air all throughout Western Europe. The show will star Owen as himself playing a single teacher in a French private school who teaches English. It will be a crime/drama/mystery television series.

7. I remain a Music Business major at Belmont. A scary place to be.

8. I am currently eating one big scoop of ice cream AND drinking a beverage containing roughly 45-50g of sugar for my Diabetes Diet.

9. As a member of a local monastery, I fasted for 30 days and lost 20 pounds. I don't think it was very healthy for my body because it feels much weaker now.

10. When I was living in Italy, I formed a strong bond with a stray spider monkey that was owned by Antonio Mangipane, the local farmer who was notorious for his addiction to heroine. The monkey seemed to have some issues with depression because it never moved or made any noise. It was normally just slouching underneath a wooden bridge down the road from my ranch. Since he was in such a condition, I usually spent most of my time coddling his lazy, exhausted frame in my arms while he stared off into the horizon and would exhale deeply and audibly every 15-25 seconds.

11. There is nothing more liberating than playing "The Fascist" on the guitar.

12. The best book ever written was "I Am America (And So Can You)" by Stephen Colbert. This is mostly because it is in no way proving any point or making a literary breakthrough. And it's not trying to be all sweatervest-glasses-are-so-cool-library-going-book-a-week-reading-smug-ass-preachy-artsy-fartsy like J.D. Salinger.

13. I listened to Radiohead's "In Rainbows" way more than Owen did, and I will also be subject to way more nostalgia than he would be when I hear it again.

14. I would never join a debate team. I do all my thinking and speaking on my own, and I also think all the people on the debate team at Belmont are good students.

15. As an adult, I enjoy Sherlock Holmes short stories so much that I have been known to smoke from a pipe wearing a top hat on a wooden rocking chair on any given Sunday afternoon. Some of these afternoons escalate into me using a cane for the rest of the day, which once kept me from getting a job at a golf course.

16. In California, I lived next door to Joel Osteen. As a result, I was inspired to read the Bible.

17. I miss Ohio a little bit. I miss the people that are there. They should all follow me around for the rest of my life.

18. My goals this semester include passing all of my classes with at least a B, attending more of my classes, and making more friends!

19. I am currently reading Nickelodeon Magazine. It's retarded.

20. My favorite record right now is Fleet Foxes' self-titled debut album. Close behind is Bon Iver.

21. My favorite movie right now is The Dark Knight. I should watch that tonight. I haven't seen it since it came out in theatres. I love it.

22. Fortunately, I have not succumb to the vacuum of brain power that is reality tv. However, I recently got Netflix and have been watching "Dexter" pretty religiously. Brilliant.

23. Netflix provided me with the opportunity to consume even more media via the option to "Watch Instantly" from the website. I have watch the first and second seasons of 30 Rock, James and the Giant Peach, and Bob Marley Live. Haha.

24. Michael, my brother, inspired me when he went to Africa after Christmas. He's also a very muscular and large person, both features of which I envy.

25. My favorite thing to happen this year was the election of Barack Obama.