I wish you a long and happy stay. I wish you would visit here more often. I wish you would visit here every day and read all of the posts I've ever made. Or maybe just try to get an RSS feed of this blog. Is that possible? I don't know.. try it.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

So we have a new President coming into office in January? And he's a black guy named Barack Obama? Aight.

It's really not that big of a deal. I can explain myself in many ways.

If you're a Christian, like myself, you take this as being God's will and God is still in control.

If you're a white person who thinks this is somehow an example of how foreigners are taking over our country, watch Gangs of New York and notice that the New Yorkers thought the Irish were invading the country during that time. Now we've widdled it down to white vs. color. Well, at least you have. Foreigners were invading our country as soon as immigration started. I've gotten over it, and apparently so have alot of other people. Or maybe they're all just "foreigners". (This could lead to my theory of how immigration doomed the United States and initiated its inevitably forseeable demise forthwith)

If you're anything else, I feel inclined to believe you voted for Barack Obama. At least the majority of you.

Disclaimer: Daniel Gibson is an Independent Voter who failed to submit an Absentee Ballot on time due to the United States Postal Service.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Something on television has really been bothering me.


They have the worst commercials that are based on the dumbest songs ever. They recently came out with a new one on bicycles where the "hook" of the jingle is literally "i'm singin' f to the r to the e to the e to the c to the r to the edit to the re to the port to the dot to the com come on every body drive your bike and sing along". And there's more. There's choreography on bikes and a shot of the band cheering the singer along from a presumably local garage while rocking out at just the right volume for his voice to carry over everything going on around him. Basically, I hate freecreditreport.com.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Movies, TV, and the like

THE DARK KNIGHT - purchased midnight showing ticket 2 weeks in advance. I was supposed to meet friends there, but their tickets were for a different theatre. I sat by strangers... it was still a good seat. The movie was fantastic. I always love a performance by Christian Bale and Heath Ledger reinvented himself to play his character which made the movie in my opinion. The only complaint I have is the whole actress swap from Katie Holmes to Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's just confusing... and I don't really like Maggie even though she's a better actress than Katie.

MAGNOLIA - easily my favorite movie of all time. There are not only multiple stories going on, but they are fascinating stories. Stories with deep, painful roots. The kind that submerge your thought process into those roots. Incredible acting.

IDIOCRACY - one of my favorite comedies of all time. Luke Wilson is really funny in this just because he's always getting screwed by dumbasses galore. It's a slap happy movie for sure... or just a slap-happy-inducing movie.

MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE - actually a pretty good tv show.

ENTOURAGE - I've only seen about 5 or 6 episodes, but I plan on renting the DVDs and watching it. It's not really funny or dramatic or anything. It's kind of everything... like a soap opera for early 20s dudes. It's entertaining.


LOSTWINDS - a Wii game which can be bought in the online store under the WiiWare section. It's just an all around cool game. You blow wind to move your character, kill enemies, and eventually make your character straight up fly. They're coming out with sequels, too. The sequels are going to continue the story with your character in the same condition he was in. So... you can still fly.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Penny Arcade Video Game?!?!?

My favorite webcomic on the planet, Penny Arcade (www.penny-arcade.com), has just released an action-adventure-RPG! Turns out that Jerry wrote the script, so I'm looking forward to some incredibly amusing dialogue. The game is for Xbox 360, PC, Mac, and Linux. You can get it at http://www.playgreenhouse.com/. It's called "On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness: Episode One". I'm pumped. Episode 2 is also due out soon. Anyway.

Monday, May 05, 2008

"dude I can do that in my SLEEP!"

"meaning I can't do it when I'm awake. But I've dreamed about doing it HUNDREDS of times."

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Things will be changing pretty soon...

I basically can't wait for my good friend, pal, and former BEST friend Anthony Domine to come and be my roommate here in Nashville. Ok so basically living with Jacob was a living nightmare. Living with Gabe is like living with a person that expects you to adapt to their mood. The problem is that this person only has two moods.

Mood #1: Rowdy. Obnoxious. Loud. Bro-friendly.

Mood #2: Serious. Slightly coldhearted. Possibly partially deaf.

Anyway... I'm just pointing out that the whole roommate situation down here hasn't turned out so AWESOME.

When Anthony gets down here I imagine he and I eating ice cream cones on our mopeds and abusing the horns on them. Playing electric guitars through the same amp with a drum machine in the background. Hiding candy bars in our beards and taking them out for a mid-day snack.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This just in: ESPN is amazing.


it's so easy to get pissed about watching channels like MSNBC and CNN because all they talk about is random bullshit full of cockamamy. Mostly semantics about the election, private lives of those involved in the election, or private lives of anyone else in our government. Anyway, ESPN is hilarious because it's hard to get pissed about what they're talking about. It's just fun talk all day. All of the commercials are geared towards beer-drinkin'-wife-neglectin' DUDES. Doesn't matter if you're 16 or if you're 60... when you watch ESPN, you're a DUDE. I love it when you watch ESPN all day and every show is about the same stuff except different people say the same things different ways. It's so entertaining. The best part about it though is when they talk about golf. They seriously think that Tiger Woods' dominance is unquestionable. Like, I would love to agree, but he's just simply the best golfer ever. But he's also in a group of the best golfers in the world... so he's not completely dominant. He's lost plenty of tournaments... and DIDN'T win them. I dunno... just goofy. I love you, ESPN Only because you're gutter media that's really FUN.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dudes vs. Super-dudes

So I was having dinner in the cafe at Belmont last week with my friend DJ and we both witnessed a wonderful scuffle between two different social groups. The first group was a table full of members of the baseball team, and the second group was a table full of the artsy-fartsy type that hates anyone who isn't an artist or a big fan of art or someone with an "alternative" sense of fashion.

(Note: the funniest part about an "alternative" sense of fashion is that all the people that dress a certain way hang out with each other. So that means that they all dress the same. Which no longer makes it an alternative.)

The baseball team dudes randomly crack up about what I'm assuming is an inside joke or at least what I know was an inaudible comment. Out of nowhere, one of the super-dudes at the arts-only table starts laughing and clapping with them and purposely makes himself the loudest of all and also continues the gesture beyond the team of baseball dudes. After he realizes that his insult was recognized, he sits down abruptly. Here come the counter-attacks. They can be summarize in the sentence "Jeez-took it way too far-shut up-you're an idiot, dude-you're gay". This is followed by a mini-celebration and slap of hands at the baseball table. After this, another one of the arts-only dudes (wearing a very short-cut V-neck t-shirt, rolled up jeans, and a pair of moccasins) brings a flower and hands it to one of the baseball players. I interpreted this as an "I'm so confident that I will do something ridiculous and pointless, look you in the eye, and walk away" type of "fuck-you". It's a creative type of "fuck-you" that only an artsy fartsy dude would come up with. The victim at the baseball table responds with "what the hell??", and soon gets some backup from his buddies. I must admit, when one of the baseball guys said "did you see that? he had cleavage!", I was very tickled. It was awesome. Because it was true, but also because only a meathead would think of that. DJ and I were cracking up this entire time. It was pretty great.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh, Hilary

Stop trying to act like you want to be President of the United States. We all know that you're going to turn all of the American men into slaves and take away our right to vote. Quit lying to the people!