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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothes Day (Yes, Mothes Day)

That title is dedicated to Henry Heisey and Owen Heisey. I only include Owen because I wouldn't know Henry if I didn't know Owen, and Owen showed me the video where Henry goes to TJ's Country Place; ridiculous.

Moving on, Ginger and the rest of our family celebrated Mothers Day today. Michael's gift was getting up at 9 to go get Ginger some Starbucks. I, however, laid in bed. Michael also wrote her a note that said:

"Thanks for being our mom and sorry you have to put up with all the bad behavior (Amy). I've tried to do all I can, but it's not always easy being the best. Love, Michael" (abridged)

I didn't get her anything until Mothes Day morning when I got one of my senior pictures (she has the exact same picture blown up in our kitchen) and wrote a note on it. It said:

"Happy Mothes Day, dude. I love you even though you're a stubborn woman. - Daniel" (unabridged)

Happy Mothes Day.

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