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Monday, December 19, 2005

Brian Estabrook: Man of Night

He came to my house for the very first time tonight and was completely engaged in indulging himself into anything that I possessed. I love the man. We started by trying to record a song, but then he wanted to change a few things and it ended up we got into a relationships/love/women/college/life discussion. Yes, a strange sequence of events. However, it was a good time during that.

TELEVISION then became a focus of the rest of the evening. This started around... let's say 1 or 2. We started with some Punk'd ("She said 'KICK HIS ASSSSS'"), moved onto Naked Gun ("Did anyone get a license plate? Anyone get a look at the driver?", "Use your open eye."), some Ryan Adams on Letterman ("Whaddya got there?" "oh that's.." "WELL HOW ABOUT THAT."), some The Office ("Well Happy Birthday, Jesus, sorry your party's so lame."), and finished with some Arrested Development (The Narcissist line from Michael and "It's not my trick, Michael. It's my Allusion.").

We scrounged for food and I almost started up the grill at 2:45 when Brian said "Maybe I'll just have some cookies." And he did, and I ate the Gnocci. Then Brian started acting very hyper (due to lack of sleep) and just started eating things like popcorn, bread, and cookie dough. He passed out in the tile bathroom until I drug him to the refrigerator and poured an entire can of Coca-Cola down his throat. He woke up, got in his car, and drove home.

I therefore declare Brian Estabrook the Man of Night because he can endure such a long and strenuous night of eating, talking, playing music, laughing, and passing out and then drive home. My hat goes off to you, sir.

The End

1 comment:

Brian Estabrook said...


I thought that was booze.
